Jul 27, 2022 | Media Appearances

Jeffrey Gundlach on Closing Bell 'Overtime'


DoubleLine CEO, Jeffrey Gundlach sits in with CNBC Closing Bell "Overtime" host, Scott Wapner as they discuss the latest decision by the Fed to raise rates another 75 bps.

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About the Guest

About the Guest

  • Jeffrey Gundlach

    Jeffrey Gundlach

    Mr. Gundlach is CEO of DoubleLine.  In 2011, he appeared on the cover of Barron's as "The New Bond King."  In 2013, Institutional Investor named him "Money Manager of the Year."  In 2012, 2015 and 2016, he was named one of "The Fifty Most Influential" in Bloomberg Markets.  In 2017, he was inducted into the FIASI Fixed Income Hall of Fame.  Mr. Gundlach is a summa cum laude graduate of Dartmouth College, with degrees in Mathematics and Philosophy.